SMS for details on Mobile

Send SMS to 80999 48 7 48 with the following details

Sections: SMS TO BE SENT:
1 Admission CDOE ADM
2 Fees CDOE FEE 1 A13MB0990001 (or) CDOE FEE <YEAR/SEM> <IDNUMBER>
3 Material CDOE MAT 1 A13MB0990001 (or) CDOE MAT <YEAR/SEM> <IDNUMBER>
4 Assignments CDOE ASG 1 A13MB0990001 (or) CDOE ASG <YEAR/SEM> <IDNUMBER>
5 Results CDOE RES 1 A13MB0990001 (or) CDOE RES <YEAR/SEM> <IDNUMBER>

NOTE:-The short code is NOT case sensitive